
Preaching for Revitalization: How to Revitalize your Church through your Pulpit is unavailable, but you can change that!

In recent years a new buzzword has appeared on the church scene: Revitalization. Unlike marketing buzzwords this concept carries with it real substance and stands to make a lasting impact on the church. This idea, used specifically about the local congregation, carries with it the hope of renewed vigor; redirected purpose; restoration of healthy growth and the refreshments of the Holy Spirit over...

third great Awakening, but he insisted that it had not yet ‘reached the pitch of effectiveness of either of its predecessors.’ Real revival would amount to more than what was going on just then, insisted evangelist Fred B. Hoffman. It would ‘regenerate the whole life of America’ and would be manifest ‘in every church, in every city and town and village and rural community’ of the nation. Here was a mythic understanding of revival that could never be fulfilled across a vast and variegated modern nation
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